Tour Kungsleden pour debutants

As experienced back-country skier - we call it 'toerlanglauf' - in Norway and Sweden, I would like to introduce this 'green' wintersport to new apprentices by organizing a tour along the Kungsleden in Swedisch Lapponia. It will take place in Spring 2011, along the cabins between Abisko and Kebnekaise - a total of around 80km in 7-8 days. It is a relatively easy trip along a marked trail in wide valleys inbetween the higher mountains of Sweden. Start and finish are comfortable mountainstations linked by public transport.
This type of touring is within the reach of any fit outdoor sportman/woman with the right mindset.
The ski equipment can be rented locally.

Mind well: this is not a commercial or formally guided tour. Everybody joins on his/her own responsibility. My contribution is the organisation of the trip, logistics, advice on equipment and travel, for which I ask a small fee.

I'm a Dutch fellow living in Amsterdam. Trip members searched in Holland, Belgium, England, France.

Information: email me at